Sunday, August 7, 2011

August Challenge - Vanishing Point

The August Challenge from the Community Photo Challenge is Vanishing Point, so feel free to post ANYTHING as long as it fits the challenge, Vanishing Point.

This image--Under the Bridge--was taken in Pittsburgh, PA. What a great place for all sorts of photos, but especially for architectural ones like this.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Community Photo Challenge - FIREWORKS!

This is a great time to have a FIREWORKS Challenge!! This challenge has been extended to the end of July.

Here are a few of my fireworks images:

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Community Photo Challenge - RED

This month, there are two challenges at the Community Photo Challenge. One was Still Life and the other is RED. Click the banner above to see the other entries or to enter yourself.'s my image for this. It's a photo of my younger granddaughter delivering Christmas presents to our house. The title of this is: Santa Chloe.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Still Life

I know it's been a long time since I posted a new image on my blog. Life has gotten in the way since last July. I've been working hard at being a good President for my Camera Club, I've been managing my Adobe Photoshop Users Group's monthly meetings, I've been actually shooting photos and processing them (but not sharing enough). Anyway, Marie has posted a new challenge on our Challenge Blog and I wanted to participate.'s my image, entitled "Take Me Home".