Thursday, July 9, 2015

Happy 4th of July--a bit late

I know this is 5 days late, but so much is going on...and I believe in the old adage "better late than never". So, here's my tribute to the United States on the anniversary of its founding. 

This image was created from layers of fireworks, set at different blend modes and opacities, topped with the American flag (also blended and lower opacity). I then added the text and used different layer effects on it.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

My New Adventures in the Art of Photoshop

It's been a long time since I've posted in this Blog...No excuses, just haven't done it. So much has been going on in my life that has gotten in the way. Now that I'm finding some time, I plan to post at least once a month--either photos, Photoshop hints or full Photoshop lessons. 

One of the projects I've been involved in has been a Creative Art course, using (of course) Photoshop. It's a year-long course focusing on creating art...either from photographs or from other artsy elements. 

I haven't been totally happy with my results yet, but am learning--and that's what's important!

Here are some samples of my new 'creations'.